Malmö stad
Always open
Even though Malmö is one of the cities in Sweden with the largest amount of bins (4, 300 to be exact), the citizens consider the bins inaccessible. So, with the message ”Always open”, the city of Malmö wanted to see if an exaggerated visibility could lead to an increased usage of the bins. With these generous opening hours as a hook, neon signs lit up the bins so that everybody, no matter the time of day, was given the opportunity to dispose of their litter the right way.

More work
Malmö stad - SFI IRL
Folkspel - New website and e-commerce
Samsung - It's OK to be stupid in a smart home
Malmö FF - Museum & Supporter shop
Sparbanken Skåne – Bank in Scanian
Malmö stad - Always open
Vimla - The phone company with good vibrations
Vimla - Visual Identity
Granngården - Feel like you’re the best on earth
Sector Alarm - Keep some extra eyes on your home
Malmö stad - Cigarette Buttcoin
UL - We're on our way
Spendwise - In any case, you can trust your loan
Malmö stad - Språkresan
Sandvik - The Impossible Statue
Hövding - Protecting genius
Malmö stad - Cigarette Buttcoin