Makes people talk
In a time where charisma is king – whether that is getting the most likes on Instagram, having the most Facebook friends or making the best TikTok content – confidence is a key factor to that success. Luckily, Läkerol is a box full of confidence that can help you get what you need to become your most charismatic self.
In our first work for Läkerol, we turned to the most basic and cross-generational scenario of all time: when you want to convince your friends to go out partying instead of wasting yet another Friday night in front of the gaming console. And we did it by showing that anyone can turn into an epic speaker, just like in the movies.
“Whether or not the idea is based on experiences from our own youth, we’ll rather leave unsaid, but I do admit that I was in great need of Läkerol back in the days”
– Rasmus Tsardakas Renhuldt, copywriter
More work
Malmö stad - SFI IRL
Folkspel - New website and e-commerce
Samsung - It's OK to be stupid in a smart home
Malmö FF - Museum & Supporter shop
Sparbanken Skåne – Bank in Scanian
Malmö stad - Always open
Vimla - The phone company with good vibrations
Vimla - Visual Identity
Granngården - Feel like you’re the best on earth
Sector Alarm - Keep some extra eyes on your home
Malmö stad - Cigarette Buttcoin
UL - We're on our way
Spendwise - In any case, you can trust your loan
Malmö stad - Språkresan
Sandvik - The Impossible Statue
Hövding - Protecting genius
Malmö stad - Cigarette Buttcoin