The Electric Revolution
Many people opt out of electric cars because of the concern about range, combined with uncertain access to charging points. In addition, many consumers are unsure of how to buy and use their charging box. E.ON asked for a campaign to position themselves as the driving force within e-mobility and, of course, sell more charging boxes.
By launching a completely new service in the E.ON Drive app, allowing people to share their charging box with others, we basically made it possible for anyone to open up their own electric gas station, right at the driveway.
Olssons Elmack
We started off by letting an ordinary family – The Olsson’s – open up the world’s first electric gas station (“elmack”) on their private farm outside of Malmö, Sweden. They quickly got a lot of attention from both local and national media, paving the way for the upcoming campaign in paid media.

In our TVCs the viewers got to meet the owners of four very different electric gas stations, demonstrating that ANYONE can join the movement!

Last but not least
To put a cherry on top we let our fictive electric gas station brands release their own somewhat rudimentary commercials in social media.
Top of mind
Exceeded sales targets by
2.7 to 4.9
Increase in YouGov Brand Index from
9+ million
Impressions in deserved media
"Elmack" – a word that did not even exist before the campaign – became the second most googled together with E.ON after “strömavbrott” (power outage).
More work
Folkspel - New website and e-commerce
Samsung - It's OK to be stupid in a smart home
Malmö FF - Museum & Supporter shop
Sparbanken Skåne – Bank in Scanian
Malmö stad - Always open
Vimla - The phone company with good vibrations
Vimla - Visual Identity
Granngården - Feel like you’re the best on earth
Sector Alarm - Keep some extra eyes on your home
Malmö stad - Cigarette Buttcoin
UL - We're on our way
Spendwise - In any case, you can trust your loan
Malmö stad - Språkresan
Sandvik - The Impossible Statue
Hövding - Protecting genius
Malmö stad - Cigarette Buttcoin